Mark-10 Series R52 Torque Sensor for Tool Calibration
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Mark-10 Series R52 Torque Sensor
Capacities (6 models)
- 10 in.oz
- 20 in.oz
- 50 in.oz
- 12
- 50
- 100
Calibrate torque tools with this torque measurement sensor, or use it as a component of a torque testing system. Tapped holes on every surface allow for easy mounting to a work bench, or fixture within a testing system. Capacities available from 10 ozFin to 100 lbFin (7 to 1,150 Ncm).
Compatible with Mark-10 indicators, (sold separately) through unique Plug & Test® technology.
- Member of the Plug and Test family on interchangeable sensors and indicators
- Rugged aluminum housing
- Universal mounting
- May be used for torque tool calibration or as a component of a torque testing system
- NIST-traceable certificate of calibration included
- CSC can supply an ISO17025 calibration cert with data. (requires Mark-10 indicator)
- Accuracy: ± 0.35% of full scale + indicator
- Safe Overload
- MR52-10z – MR52-50z : 300% of full scale
- MR52-12 – MR52-100: 150% of full scale
- Weight: From 1.2 lbs (0.5 kg)
- Warranty: 3 years
Optional Equipment
- Table Top Mounting Kit (AC1006)
- Jacobs chuck attachments (AC1014, AC1014-1)
- 0.062″-0.375″
- 0.028″-0.25″